For our second klik it yourself project we wanted to make something really simple and elegant. This gray silk ribbon was the perfect place to start, even though the gray kind of matches the color of the sky today which makes us sad. But bad weather = great day to stay inside and make jewelry!

All you need to make this stormy weather inspired necklace is 3.5' of ribbon and a KLIK KLIK JEWELRY medium spheres add-on. If you prefer a sunnier colored necklace then by-all-means substitute the gray for a nice spring green or canary yellow.

Start by making a small fold 9" from one end of the ribbon and use two of the medium sphere magnets to hold it together. You'll need to have this extra material on the end so you can tie the necklace in a bow when you are finished. Keep folding over new sections of ribbon and securing them with another magnet. The design should start to look a bit like couture ribbon candy.

Keep folding and magneting. You can mix up the twist and angle of your ribbon folds to give more dimension to your design. Fold and twist and secure with magnets until you reach the 9" mark from the other end of the ribbon.

Finally, complete the necklace by tying a bow in the back. Done! Now you have a brand new super cute necklace that will hopefully have the power to bring the sun back out today. Some people believe magnets to have healing powers, maybe they have nice weather powers too?
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