What's more fun than dinosaurs?! Page found some adorable little dinosaur magnets and obviously had to build a KLIK KLIK necklace for them to live in. Best part, they also make a great bracelet! So, commence the dinosaur necklace tutorial...

Start with 2 tubes of KLIK KLIK small disc magnets, 2 tubes of KLIK KLIK medium sphere magnets and your favorite dinosaur magnets. If you don't have a collection of dinosaur magnets already, or have the faintest idea where one even buys dinosaur magnets you can always make them yourself. Get some dino's from the local Toy's R Us and super glue a magnet to the back. If you hate dinosaurs (I doubt anyone hates dinosaurs though! Maybe cavemen?) then improvise with a magnet you do like. Maybe kittens or puppies or rainbows or shooting stars or daisies... the possibilities are endless.

Pull out a strand of small disc magnets and medium sphere magnets.

Twist the two strands together.

Pull out another strand each of small disc magnets and medium sphere magnets. Attach them to one end of the twisted strand...

...and casually add them to your design. Don't worry about it looking perfect, this necklace has a mashed-up look in the end.

Now add small amounts of magnets all over to fill out the bulk of the design. We're making a chunky necklace here! Get chunky-ing!

Once you have incorporated all of the magnets, mold the design into the shape you like best and connect in the back. It should hold together nicely, while still being heavy.

Finally, the fun and easy part! Take your dino magnets and stick them onto your chunky necklace. Now just pair it with a Spider Man t-shirt and you're all set to go to a 5 year old's birthday party! Or just look awesome doing everything else.

And if the occasion calls for a bracelet instead... just pull apart your necklace and make one! Dino-chic for sure.

The bracelet for the girl who has everything. Especially a solid state hard drive.