Leather cuffs and braided necklaces seem like such a different look than most KLIK KLIK designs, you know because they're all metal-y and stuff. So today we decided to challenge ourselves and see if we could incorporate some leather and KLIK KLIK magnets together. And it worked!

Start with some $3 leather cord from a craft store. You can get a wide range of colors, tan, black, teal or brown like we chose. You will also need the KLIK KLIK JEWELRY wand and disc magnets.

Measure out 54" of leather cord and make a loop at the middle point. Taking a second strand of 27" long leather, make a small knot of all three strands together. The knot should hide the end of the second strand, while making a small loop at the top. Refer to the picture above.

Continue to make knots at equal intervals... ours are spaced 4" apart.

The final knot should tie off the end of the leather strands.

Make a small ring of discs around the loop of leather you made. This will be the anchor point for your magnets and also the clasp for the necklace.

Attach a strand of disc magnets to the ring you just made and start braiding it in and out of the leather.
Intertwine the disc magnets and leather until you reach the other end and make another small circle of magnets around the knot to secure them in place.
Set your awesome leather and disc magnets braid aside and pull out the wand shaped magnets and your left over disc magnets. Make a chain of disc, wand, disc, wand... magnets. It should be a couple inches longer than your leather magnet braid.
Attach one end of the wand/disc magnet chain to the clasp of discs you made and combine chain and leather braid by loosely winding them around each other. Finish it off by attaching the other end to the second clasp. And there you go, a lovely hippie necklace for all of your bohemian parties and flower power outings! We suggest listening to any of the groovy songs from Woodstock circa 1969. The complete set list can be found here: http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/music0_woodstock.html