Friday, April 1, 2011



Since it was such a gloomy, rainy day in Brooklyn, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make a raindrop inspired necklace... and obviously go play in the puddles in my Hunter boots! This necklace is a medium difficulty design, if you're a KLIK KLIK newbie it may take you a little bit longer to get it exactly perfect, but once you master it your magnetic jewelry making skills will be very much improved. It's also just really pretty and delicate looking. No one will believe it's made out of super nerdy magnets.

All you need is two KLIK KLIK magnet shapes: KLIK KLIK mediums spheres, $45 @; and KLIK KLIK small discs, $35

To start out, take seven small disc magnets and make a circular loop with them. Taking three of the magnets between your thumb and index finger, pinch them together so it makes a raindrop shape like above.

Repeat four more times so you have five raindrops in total.

Now take ten of your medium sphere magnets and wrap them around the outside of one of your raindrop shapes. It should look like a much prettier, cooler raindrop now!


Pull out a strand of small disc magnets and make a circle. Make sure to measure it out to a length you like. Less magnets to make a choker, more magnets to make a longer necklace. I'm too lazy to count all the magnets in the picture above, but to my expert eye it looks like one hundred.

Now pull out a strand of your medium sphere magnets and start wrapping them around the outside of your band of discs. it might take a small amount of finessing, but you want them to lay tightly next to each other.

The magnets will naturally want to make a straight line but if you curve the shape as you wrap them around they will realign and make a circle.

Once you have the base for your necklace you can start adding the raindrop pendants to it. Start with the one in the front middle...

...and keep adding the rest in equal intervals. There is your final paisley necklace or raindrop necklace or petal necklace. You can call it whichever name suits you best. If I was paring it with bell bottoms it would most certainly be a 'paisley necklace', but a cute little garden party dress seems much more natural with a 'petal necklace'. If you feel less dressy take off the pendants and wear it as a more simple design. I hope you feel pretty!

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