Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How to make the Charlee necklace:
This is a slightly challenging design, but once you've battled through making it you'll have a beautiful geometric necklace that goes almost any outfit.
To start with, you'll need the small sphere and wand shaped magnets from your KLIK KLIK JEWELRY kit.
Take two wand shaped magnets and form them into a V, using a small sphere magnet as the anchor. Sometimes the wands will want to form a straight line, instead of the V shape above, but if you flip one of the wand over so the opposite pole is touching the small sphere it will behave.
Now add four more wand magnets to the small sphere in the middle, remembering the trick where you flip the wand magnet over to make it do what you want.
Add six small spheres to the end of each wand.
Now it gets a little tricky. You have to connect each arm of the starfish looking shape with a wand. So six wands total to make a perfect hexagon. You'll want to remember the flipping trick when doing this too.
Yay! You did it and have a nice little magnetic hexagon to be proud of.
Make two more identical hexagons. By now you should be an expert at it.
Now that you've made all three hexagon shapes, link them together using a small sphere-wand-small sphere. The flipping technique will come in handy here as well.
This is what the necklace pendant should look like.
On the left and right hexagon shape, add one small sphere and one wand magnet.
Finally, make a chain of small spheres and link the whole design together. Perfect jewelry architecture.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Making the most awesome crazy thing in the world... WINE JELLO!
After we saw a lovely article on thehairpin.com, we knew that this was our kind of cooking, baking, culinary adventure... It's totally easy to make (unless you put the whole bottle of wine in like I did the first time around!) and it definitely gets you excited for spring.
What you need:
-Mix 1 cup of chilled rosé with the two packets of gelatin. Don't just pour in the whole bottle like I did, if you do that your jello will look like chunky yucky stuff.
-Boil 1 cup of water and make sure to wear a really cute apron while you do it. Mine's from Anthropologie and my necklace is 24k gold METL. Just cause you're boiling water doesn't mean you can't look chic!
-Once your water has boiled, immediately pour it into the rosé gelatin mixture and stir.

After about 2 hours of constantly checking the fridge every 5 minute to see how the jello was doing, it worked! It's a really cute pink color and very tasty. Because the wine is diluted there isn't much alcohol in it, but if you made the entire bottle of wine into jello and ate it all you might feel like you took some jello shots at a frat party... Just a fun little project for your Tuesday. Enjoy!
What you need:
-2 packets unflavored gelatin (we used Knox Gelatin, which has 4 packets in each box.
-1 cup of chilled rosé and make sure you get a nice one that you like!
-1 cup of water
-4 serving glasses (we used wine glasses, which seemed fitting since it's wine and all but if you want to make jello jigglers in the shape of hearts and stars do it!)
-Mix 1 cup of chilled rosé with the two packets of gelatin. Don't just pour in the whole bottle like I did, if you do that your jello will look like chunky yucky stuff.
-Boil 1 cup of water and make sure to wear a really cute apron while you do it. Mine's from Anthropologie and my necklace is 24k gold METL. Just cause you're boiling water doesn't mean you can't look chic!
-Once your water has boiled, immediately pour it into the rosé gelatin mixture and stir.

-Pour into pretty little glasses and chill in the fridge. It can take anywhere between 2-4 hours for the jello to set. But be patient, it all pays off in the end.

And if your curious here's the link to the original article from thehairpin.com http://thehairpin.com/2011/03/have-your-wine-and-eat-it-too They're much wittier than me but they don't have any magnetic jewelry in their pictures so I think I win.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Leather cuffs and braided necklaces seem like such a different look than most KLIK KLIK designs, you know because they're all metal-y and stuff. So today we decided to challenge ourselves and see if we could incorporate some leather and KLIK KLIK magnets together. And it worked!

Start with some $3 leather cord from a craft store. You can get a wide range of colors, tan, black, teal or brown like we chose. You will also need the KLIK KLIK JEWELRY wand and disc magnets.

Measure out 54" of leather cord and make a loop at the middle point. Taking a second strand of 27" long leather, make a small knot of all three strands together. The knot should hide the end of the second strand, while making a small loop at the top. Refer to the picture above.

Continue to make knots at equal intervals... ours are spaced 4" apart.

The final knot should tie off the end of the leather strands.

Make a small ring of discs around the loop of leather you made. This will be the anchor point for your magnets and also the clasp for the necklace.

Attach a strand of disc magnets to the ring you just made and start braiding it in and out of the leather.
Intertwine the disc magnets and leather until you reach the other end and make another small circle of magnets around the knot to secure them in place.
Set your awesome leather and disc magnets braid aside and pull out the wand shaped magnets and your left over disc magnets. Make a chain of disc, wand, disc, wand... magnets. It should be a couple inches longer than your leather magnet braid.
Attach one end of the wand/disc magnet chain to the clasp of discs you made and combine chain and leather braid by loosely winding them around each other. Finish it off by attaching the other end to the second clasp. And there you go, a lovely hippie necklace for all of your bohemian parties and flower power outings! We suggest listening to any of the groovy songs from Woodstock circa 1969. The complete set list can be found here: http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/music0_woodstock.html
Monday, April 4, 2011
Here's a little preview of a design I made using the METL by KLIK KLIK 24k gold magnets. We'll be launching the METL line in May, with black, 24k gold and sterling silver magnets. Pretty, pretty, pretty...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Since it was such a gloomy, rainy day in Brooklyn, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make a raindrop inspired necklace... and obviously go play in the puddles in my Hunter boots! This necklace is a medium difficulty design, if you're a KLIK KLIK newbie it may take you a little bit longer to get it exactly perfect, but once you master it your magnetic jewelry making skills will be very much improved. It's also just really pretty and delicate looking. No one will believe it's made out of super nerdy magnets.
All you need is two KLIK KLIK magnet shapes: KLIK KLIK mediums spheres, $45 @ klikklikjewelry.com; and KLIK KLIK small discs, $35 @klikklikjewelry.com
To start out, take seven small disc magnets and make a circular loop with them. Taking three of the magnets between your thumb and index finger, pinch them together so it makes a raindrop shape like above.
Repeat four more times so you have five raindrops in total.
Now take ten of your medium sphere magnets and wrap them around the outside of one of your raindrop shapes. It should look like a much prettier, cooler raindrop now!
Pull out a strand of small disc magnets and make a circle. Make sure to measure it out to a length you like. Less magnets to make a choker, more magnets to make a longer necklace. I'm too lazy to count all the magnets in the picture above, but to my expert eye it looks like one hundred.
Now pull out a strand of your medium sphere magnets and start wrapping them around the outside of your band of discs. it might take a small amount of finessing, but you want them to lay tightly next to each other.
The magnets will naturally want to make a straight line but if you curve the shape as you wrap them around they will realign and make a circle.
Once you have the base for your necklace you can start adding the raindrop pendants to it. Start with the one in the front middle...
...and keep adding the rest in equal intervals. There is your final paisley necklace or raindrop necklace or petal necklace. You can call it whichever name suits you best. If I was paring it with bell bottoms it would most certainly be a 'paisley necklace', but a cute little garden party dress seems much more natural with a 'petal necklace'. If you feel less dressy take off the pendants and wear it as a more simple design. I hope you feel pretty!
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